Career Opportunities

Adjunct Faculty, Foundation Program, Drawing courses, Beirut

This position is no longer open.

Title: Adjunct Faculty

Discipline: Drawing

Department: Foundation Program

Campus: Beirut

Duration: AY 2024-25


The School of Architecture & Design at the Lebanese American University is now accepting applications for an Adjunct Faculty position, for the academic year 2024-2025, on its Beirut Campus. We are seeking faculty to teach drawing courses in the Foundation Year. Applicants should have prior experience in teaching, and would be required to teach the following courses:

FND201 Drawing for Foundation [1–4, 3Cr.]

The purpose of this course is to discover the exploratory potential of visualizing thinking through hand drawing. Students’ skills in drawing as mimesis and as perception are emphasized. The course delves into traditional and conceptual transcription, using drawing as a primary mode of inquiry and perception. Through different drawing exercises, students will be introduced to the study of chiaroscuro, perspective, nature, object, materials, textures and principles of composition. Each student will be expected to complete a black book series that demonstrates their mastery of basic drawing skills.


ART222 Figure Drawing [1-4, 3Cr.]

This course explores the structural and muscular systems of the human body with emphasis upon proportion, formal relations, chiaroscuro, contour, volume, and foreshortening. This course aims at producing full-fledged compositions in various drawing media. Throughout the course, students develop the figure in different spatial situations as an exploration of expression in drawing. They will be exposed to questions of aesthetics, problem solving in composition, and the use of appropriate materials.


For more information on the program and the Course Descriptions, please check the link below:


Minimum Requirements

Candidates should have a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts. Alternatively, candidates with a bachelor degree and extensive teaching experience may also be considered.


Note: Given that this is a part-time position, the university cannot secure the candidate a work permit, if they do not have the legal right to work in Lebanon.

Duration of position

This position will open in Fall 2024, which starts end of August and extends over the academic year ending in August 2025. For more information on Faculty Personnel Policies:

Application Process

Candidates should apply electronically by sending a Letter of Intent, their CV, in addition to samples of syllabi of courses taught, and a portfolio of their work as well as a portfolio of their student work where applicable.

The application should be sent by email to:, specifying the job title in the subject line.

Applications deadline: February 20, 2024

Notifications will be sent by: March 20, 2024


The Lebanese American University is an Equal Opportunity Employer operating in Lebanon under a charter from the Regents of the State University of New York. Information about the University can be found at: