Career Opportunities

Academic Leadership


Alice Ramez Chagoury School of Nursing

Part-time positions:

Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine

Part-time positions:

Adnan Kassar School of Business

Department of Management Studies

Department of Finance & Accounting

Department of Marketing

Department of Economics

School of Architecture and Design

Foundation Program

Department of Art & Design

Department of Architecture & Interior Design

School of Engineering

Office of the Dean - Strategic Initiative

Department of Chemical Engineering Program

Petroleum Engineering

Part-time positions:

Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering

Part-time positions:

School of Arts & Sciences

Department of English and Creative Arts

Part-time positions:

Department of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Psychology and Education

Department of Communication, Mobility, and Identity

Department of Liberal Studies

Part-time positions:

Department of Biological Sciences

Part-time positions:

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Part-time positions:

Postdoctoral Positions
