Career Opportunities

Full-time Faculty, Interior Design, Byblos & Beirut

This position is no longer open.

Title: Assistant Professor of Practice

Discipline: Interior Design

Department: Architecture & Interior Design

Campus: Beirut & Byblos

Duration: AY 2024-2025


The School of Architecture and Design at the Lebanese American University is currently accepting applications for an Assistant Professor of Practice in Interior Design, to start in Fall 2024. The successful applicant should have specific experience in the design of interior spaces and should be able to take an active role in the program. He/she should be able to teach a range of design studios from intermediate to the senior levels, and courses related to building technology.

Minimum Requirements

A Master degree in interior design, in addition to a minimum of three years of teaching and/or professional experience in the field. Candidates with a Bachelor degree in Interior Design with substantial academic and professional experience may also be considered.

Duration of position

This position will open in Fall 2024, which starts end of August 2024; and is renewed on a yearly basis according to university policies relating to Full-Time faculty at this rank. This position is in the non-Tenure track, which is a track reserved for faculty in the professional fields.


Application Process

Interested candidates are to apply electronically by sending:

  1. Letter of Intent
  2. CV including names, emails, and phone numbers of three references.
  3. Summary Portfolio with examples of teaching and/or professional work. The Portfolio should be in PDF format and should not exceed 30 pages.  


The application is to be sent to:


Applications deadline:                February 24 , 2024

Notifications will be sent by:       March 21, 2024



The Lebanese American University is an Equal Opportunity Employer operating in Lebanon under a charter from the Regents of the State University of New York. Information about the University can be found at: