Kamil Michael Chehayeb, BA in Political Science and International Affairs with a Minor in History

Change starts locally.


Two of the early boosts I received from LAU on admission were the Merit Scholarship, granted on the basis of my high-school grades, and the Model United Nations Secretary General Award.

I was already familiar with LAU’s simulation models and the multitude of clubs, so I was looking forward to the experience, especially since I was passionate about my major from the get-go.

LAU provided us with opportunities on all levels: academic, professional and personal. Professionally, it exposed us to different corporations, NGOs, and internships through the Outreach and Civic Engagement Department (OCE) and network of alumni. I also had the chance to build long-lasting friendships, across both campuses.

When in-person interactions were cut short by the transition to virtual learning, we started forging friendships and networking online.

When I take a step back and think of my experience at LAU, my mind flashes back to two defining moments. The first was when we travelled to New York City and delivered awards to delegates from all over the world at the UN General Assembly Hall. Standing there on the podium and giving a speech where world leaders had stood throughout history was an unforgettable experience.

Another memorable event was when I won the Student Council Elections and was then selected as president. Taking on responsibility during such a tough year was very challenging as I had to prove to both groups – those who elected me and those who did not – that I was worthy of their trust in difficult times.

Today, I am graduating with a political science degree as the country suffers political and economic turmoil, but I know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I see this as a learning experience for political awareness and forging community ties on a small and a larger scale.

Though I will be leaving to pursue a graduate degree at Sciences Po in France, my heart will still be here, and I will be coming back. I know I will because we are at a critical crossroads in our country.

I encourage incoming LAU students to take part in as many activities as possible, locally and abroad, and, most importantly, to have a positive outlook no matter what. There is always a lesson to be learned from every situation.